mcMST 1.1.1 (2023-03-13)
- fixed some warnings related to r-devel
- fixed issue in getRandomSpanningTree
mcMST 1.1.0
- added genRandomSpanningTree(s)
- graph generation moved to dedicated package grapherator
- mcMST EMOA algorithms now work on graphs with >= 3 weights per edge
- mcMST EMOA algorithms work on non-complete graphs
- added option scalarize to subGraph mutation
- added similarity metrics between trees: getNumberOfCommonEdges, getSizeOfLargestCommonSubtree
- added function getCommonSubtrees to get edgelists of all common subtrees of two trees
- added transformation function charVecToEdgelist
- added function computeSimilarityMatrix
- added getNumberOfSpanningTrees (based on Kirchhoff's tree theorem)
- added visual methods to analyse solution sets: plotEdges, plotEdgeFrequency
mcMST 1.0.1 (2017-09-18)
- improved documentation
- plotGraph replaced by S3 method plot.mcGP
mcMST 1.0.0 (2017-07-11)